When Nice is NOT enough, and Justice is required
Mapping out my role as a teacher would not fit into one neatly packaged body of parts, but into many bodies as I assume a variety of roles to meet the very challenging needs of my students. Most days I walk into my classroom I do not know what to expect so to be prepared, I carry a
Throughout the day, I
between multiple roles to manage the behaviors and and cope with the different personalities. At times I get confused managing so many roles. Managing multiple roles as a common practice for many of us on any given day, but I think as teachers we are required to draw on different aspects of our personalities and experiences we bring to classroom.
At times, I feel like I have to deliberate and settle a conflict between students, so I wear my robe as a
and listen cautiously to both sides of the case. My job here is very important because the plaintiff and the defendant have to be heard objectively so my biased opinion of either students does not cloud my judgement.
At the end of the day, I do not want to
a student. All students deserve a chance to be heard and made to feel validated. This requires a very fine of listening to every one’s perspective and considering the facts.
a student. All students deserve a chance to be heard and made to feel validated. This requires a very fine of listening to every one’s perspective and considering the facts.
Sometimes facts is not sufficient when deliberating on a case, and I have to rely on my
skills to get to the root of the problem. In most instances I have to filter through layers of social emotional needs to discover deeper underlying reason, some ones’ feelings were hurt. If and when I am able to help the students come to a resolve I feel like it’s all in a days work. Just doing my job so I can do my job. After I have finally won their trust through our established relationship of mutual respect, I can now begin to
skills to get to the root of the problem. In most instances I have to filter through layers of social emotional needs to discover deeper underlying reason, some ones’ feelings were hurt. If and when I am able to help the students come to a resolve I feel like it’s all in a days work. Just doing my job so I can do my job. After I have finally won their trust through our established relationship of mutual respect, I can now begin to